- Anise
- Anise hyssop
- basil
- bee balm
- borage
- burdock
- calendula
- catnip
- cayenne pepper
- chamomile
- chervil
- chives
- comfrey
- red clover
- common sage
- cumin
- dill
- echinacea (cone flower)
- fennel
- fever few
- hyssop
- lavender
- lemon balm
- lovage
- mugwort
- mullein
- oregano
- papalo
- parsley
- Rosemary
- rue
- salad burnet
- stinging nettle
- summer savory
- thyme (german winter)
- Tulsi (sacred basil)
- various mints, including spearmint
- vervain
- White sage
- Yarrow
- Anemone
- Asters
- bachelor's button
- china asters
- cosmos
- daffodils
- dahlias
- flax
- goldstick
- gomphrena
- herb flowers
- muscari
- pansy
- Polygonums
- poppies
- puschkinia
- runner beans
- scabiosa
- scented geranium leaves
- snapdragons
- sunflowers
- tulips
- wild flowers and grasses
- zinnias
- bell pepper
- carrots
- chard
- cucumber
- edible flowers (pansy etc.)
- green beans
- greens mix
- head lettuces
- leeks
- lettuce mix
- onions
- radishes
- shell pea
- snow peas
- spinach
- summer squash
- tomatoes (large and cherry)