July 19, 2015

This week 7/19

The farm is slowing down a bit as the summer gets on its way - just some weeding catch up as all the wonderful plants ripen their fruits and grow more leaves - but we'll be drowning in tomatoes any minute now.  I did have some time to work on getting the studio together, painting all the furniture and setting it all up. I still have more to do (like actually hanging some paintings) but it's now open for business!

Working on ledge shelves, they're waiting to be hammered and glued.  One is 8 feet, the other just over 6 foot.

The shelves now are all hung up and filled with prints and originals.

This table was pretty simple to make with just two 10 inch by 6 foot pine boards, scrap wood from the ledge shelves, and legs from an old bar-stool.  I might have to secure the legs a bit better - as the whole thing fell apart while I was trying to move speaker cables around.

The desk is just an old one I had that I painted white. It fits in perfectly though! As for the board hanging the earrings and ornaments, I made that years ago for my craft fair display - but it looks like I'll have to paint it white again as it's a bit dingy compared to all the newly painted things.  You can also see some herbs hiding in the corner, partially as a test to see how well they last. It does get hot in the studio though, so I think most would do better at a cooler temperature.

And I can't forget my husband Thomm's books. They need to have a little space of their own. Hopefully, more will come out soon to add in. Maybe even a collaboration with some of my artwork  - although I did do the design a bit for his two smaller collections, I'm loving what he's been writing to put in the shares and how well it goes with the illustrations.  

Like I said, the paintings still need to be hung though. I'm going to have to search around my apartment for all the pieces I've squirreled away so I can show them  the light of day, or at least know where they've been hidden so I can find them again sometime.

The address is: 7516 N. BROADWAY, RED HOOK, NY 12571. My studio is all the way in the back.  I do intend to have a grand opening come August, once I figure out a good date. Tell me in the comments when works for you!  Also the gallery is open Friday and Saturday 12-7 and Sundays 12-4 or you can always make an appointment with me and I'll open it up for you. Also right now another of the artists is holding a special exhibition with extended hours.

Hope to see you there sometime!

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